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How to Increase Facebook Page likes and YouTube Subscribes 

How to Increase Facebook Page likes and YouTube subscribes ITGenius4u
How to Increase Facebook Page likes and YouTube subscribes ITGenius4u 
There is an internet trick which is described below:

1. Go to a website which name is
2. Registered your account
3. log in with your account
4. you get 50 point Bonus
5. for more pints you click Facebook  likes, Facebook post likes,
    Facebook post share, etc.
6. Remember you will log in in your Facebook account.
7. For increasing your Facebook likes , click on Add Site or Page
8. Select Facebook likes, Facebook shares, Facebook Followers,         YouTube Subscribes, Twitter Followers, etc. in Type box.
9. Choose a title for your page or site.
10.CPC remains same as 5 and click Save Changes.

Now if any one like your page your points will decrease with 5 points and your page likes being increasing..

How To Increase facebook page likes and Youtube... by itgeniusoffical

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