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Lock your Browser with Master Password By ITGenius4u

Lock your Browser with Master Password By ITGenius4u
Lock your Browser with Master Password By ITGenius4u

      internet trick  Master Password software is an Extension of Google and Firefox which can Providing you Protection of your Browser no Body use Your Browser without your Permission.

Description Master Password:

1)   Click the Menu Button on the Right side and Choose Options......
2)   Click the Security Panel......
3)   Check mark use the Master Password...........

       An new Window appear..
4)    Add your Master Password. Your Password must include the Following:

  •        At least one Capital Latter......
  •        One or more Digits...... 
  •        At least on Character the Following  ! # $ % ^ & *( ).......

5)    Now Enter Conform your Password.......

6)   Now Click OK to close the Option Window...........
Removing Master Password:      

If you no need Master Password , you can Remove it any time with this Method:

Important: Without a master password, someone with access to your computer can view the passwords you have saved in Browser.

1)    Click the Menu button and Choose Options..........
2)    Click the Security Panel.........
3)    Uncheck Use the Master Password............
4)    Enter the Confirm Password to remove it.......
5)    Click Remove then Click OK......... and you will Done!

For Google Chrome:      

Fore Firefox:      

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