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           Snow Bros PC Game Free Download 

Snow Bros PC Game Free Download ITGenius4u
Snow Bros PC Game Free Download ITGenius4u
             This game is similar to Snow Bros Bubble Bobble, which was released in 1986. The game supports up to two players, each player takes one part of two Nick and Tom Snow. Each player can throw snow on enemies. The player in the snow all the enemy until it is completely covered, and when it turns into a snowball. Snow cover from the enemy can not move until the shaking.

                         Once the enemy has become a snowball, the player can roll. Will snowball REM walls, until finally crashing on the wall. Removed all enemies snowballs in rollers and other fixed balls rolling snowball snow begins to touch. If a player was able to take all the enemies strikes snowball (snowball effect, it can be used to make other good bounce and increase the chances to pull this trick off), and money in a big green currency fall sky form. These symptoms disappear in a very short time, but worth 10,000 points each, the player can get a bonus.

                      Each level is one-tenth boss. Every president can withstand being hit repeatedly. In Sega Genesis port, after level 50, you play as one of the princesses snow castle.

When the bowler on the enemy may make a potion bottle. Color dose allows the player knows what a special power-up or they will gain:
  • Red increase the speed of the Snow Brothers.
  • Blue increases the amount of snow released, so it is easier to meet the enemy in the snow.
  • Yellow increases the distance can be launched snow.
                         And a player takes a long time to complete the level with a pumpkin head of stubbornness and an attempt to kill the player character. It is invincible, but can be surprised sent appear anywhere else on the level of snowballs or snow injection. After a short time the evil ghosts pumpkin can move freely through the level to find are created on the player character. These ghosts can not be killed or stunned, so the only hope of the player is to prevent and eliminate the remaining enemies to advance to the next screen as soon as possible.

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