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Subway Surfers Game For PC Free Download By ITGenius4u
Subway Surfers Game For PC Free Download By ITGenius4u
Subway Surfers Game For PC Free Download By ITGenius4u

              Subway Surfers game is a long endless "mobile game. The co-developed by Kiloo, a private company based in Denmark and Sybo games. It is available on Android, iOS, Kindle, Windows PC and Windows Phone platforms. Players of the game take the role of thugs young, and being caught in the act apply graffiti (tags) train underground site, jogging tracks to escape the inspector and his dog. the rioters are working, and catch gold coins in the air at one time, while avoiding a collision with the rail cars and other things things. like the weekly fishing, can lead to price in the game.

Was launched in May 2012 spending Surfers Metro with updates on the basis of seasonal festivals. Since January 2013, has been updated to "tour around the world" theme that determines the action of the game in a new city every month. Until January 2, 2015, provided twenty cities in the game. Current city is Las Vegas...

For use as gods, surfers subway with regular characters (available for purchase at any time) and special characters (available only for a limited) time. All characters are represented in vector graphics as stylized with big heads and small bodies cardboard. Perpetrators pre-teen through adolescence, although their clothes and show a variety of time periods.

Jake is spending surfers default character Metro and face franchise. Jake icons appear on the game. Must all the other characters are "unlocked." This is done in one of two ways. Some characters are unlocked by a set of attributes character during the game. Feature can be article of clothing (such as a hat) or extension (such as a stereo). Available for purchase in the application of other characters.

Inspector and dogs chase characters. While it is always the same character, uniform substitutions depending on location. When editing New Orleans (All Saints holiday), has been replaced by the inspector Frankenstein monster with a dog skeleton. In the second edition of the London (Holiday Birth) was dressed as Santa Claus. In the second edition of the Rome (Easter Festival) was wearing a rabbit costume Easter holiday.

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