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MS Word 2007 Online Course 3rd Class
MS Word 2007 Online Course 3rd Class By ITGenius4u

Microsoft Word 2007 is a word processing program. You can use it to write letters, reports and other documents. It gives you the ability to use your computer for desktop publishing. These rules tutorial Microsoft Word 2007. Although it has been the creation of this tutorial for the novice computer, because Microsoft Word 2007 is very different from previous versions of Microsoft Word, you may find even users with useful experience.

Points Which are Discussed in the Class 

( Home Tab -1 )

  1. Copy                                            (Ctrl+C)
  2. Paste                                            (Ctrl+V)
  3. Cut                                               (Ctrl+X)
  4. Format Printer                             (Ctrl+Shift+C) 

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