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  Protect your Eyes From your Computer Rays
Protect your Eyes From your Computer Rays ITGenius4u

Today am going to share a computer trick
 Dimmer Brightness Controller computer tips is a free application software designed to help control the screen brightness, and especially to reduce the brightness further than the hardware alone is capable of. This is very useful when you are in darkness and minimum brightness of the screen is more than necessary. You can relieve all the screens and monitors. LCD, TFT type with LED backlight. Faint not harm your screen or control in any way, in any case, it can actually save the backlight, and therefore energy, it therefore emit radiation less. To take into account is the fact that most desktop screens are actually able to reduce the very low levels of gloss, and the same is not true in most notebook computers and monitors netbooks laptops. Been lackluster designed to work on all versions of Microsoft Windows, I can not test Windows 8, but it should work well, according to recent reports.


The need for this program because I allocation of work at night and minimum ambient lighting in the room, or (more often you want) on the bed and my laptop (all) a lot uniform light in the lowest position, and it was bad my eyes and I could not work good. So one day I decided to develop the dimness and solve the problem. Now I can dim the laptop screen for my needs and I can finally work through the night without problems with a gray screen. Screen brightness can be adjusted easily and this program is in the system tray for added comfort.

Another useful feature is the dimmer requires no installation, is a portable application. Just extract to a folder of your choice and implementation. Program stores its settings in the XML file in the program folder, so do not use the Windows registry. When no longer needed, simply delete the folder and go. Lackluster options can not be accessed from an icon in your system tray (near the clock). When running the brightness level that was last used will fade. Close / O option in the context menu you get when you right click on mitigation in the system tray icon.

Has been acclaimed for its simplicity faded as the best program to organize portable screens and screens or screens, and will be even better in the next version. Do not hesitate to recommend to friends and family and you can create a link to this page if you wish to do so. I hope you enjoy the program.

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watch video here:                                   

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