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        SopCast Free download By ITGenius4u

SopCast Free download By ITGenius4u
SopCast Free download By ITGenius4u

  internet trick SopCast software is a simple and free to broadcast video and audio or watch the video and listen to the radio over the Internet. Adoption of P2P (Peer to Peer), is very effective and easy to use. One does not become a broadcaster without the powerful server and bandwidth costs. You can create your own TV channels similar to large commercial sites with minimal resources.

There are three key elements of the program. Channels the flow of live TV channels, mostly from China, Japan and Korea. Channels of video on demand and video on demand, and MYSERVER enables you to stream media from your computer users SopCast others. We were unable to get video on demand options to work, but live channels lying on fees China and Europe, sports and music from Brazil. You can add channels to your favorites list, and adjust the size of the screen, and more. However, the update rate was slow, and video playback often freezes.

Users can anonymously contact, or create an account - which is required to distribute their own content. Although SopCast can be fun, and can be stability and limited channels of distribution problems blocking access to a wider audience.

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