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RoboSizer Free Download ITGenius4u
RoboSizer Free Download ITGenius4u

             A software Robosizer automatically re sizes images when you attach them to an e-mail or other correspondence so that sending and downloading is smooth. Many images, especially those taken by digital cameras, are too large to easily send in e-mail or to upload online, but it's hard to know just by looking at one. Manually re sizing them can also be challenging and time consuming, especially if you're not familiar with the software to do it. But Robosizer takes care of all of that for you.
                  Once you install it, this app works automatically from the taskbar on the lower right of your screen. The first time you open it, a series of instructional pop-up windows will help you get started. As long as Robosizer is open, it will quickly re size any image once you attach it to an e-mail. You will know the app is working because a little notification bubble will pop up; it will let you know the final size of the image attached. For instance, in our tests, we attached a 763KB image to an e-mail, and Robosizer reduced that to 88KB. The two images were indistinguishable from each other upon receipt of the e-mail.
                  This app is appropriate for users of any level. A full-featured trial is available for 30 days, and it costs $24.95 to purchase. While this might not be worth it for everyone, anyone who routinely sends photos in e-mail or uploads them to the Internet will benefit from this convenient app. For what it does, the price is very reasonable.

               Now we give RoboSizer absolutely Free without any cost for getting the full version of RoboSizer follow the following instructions for better results please Register this software with the Registration Code which is giving below.

RoboSizer is Installed on Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7, on both 32-bit and 64-bit Operating Systems.

To register your Free version Software, please enter the code as shown below:

Registration Code: 000014-H44DJ8-VQC39X-678RVJ-XBP7DZ-E4VTX7-BJNHN5-T7YRQ0-MMT194-3MYFJV

Installation of RoboSizer:

A Quick Tutorial will show you how easy it is to use RoboSizer:

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