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How To Block Porn Movies In Urdu Hindi Video Tutorial 
How To Block Porn Movies In Urdu Hindi Video Tutorial ITGenius4u

               An Awesome software (Anti-Porn) parental controls filters and blocks adult websites and other objectionable and inappropriate content. Its preconfigured lists can be edited and supplemented with keywords and URLs. Anti-Porn parental controls can also set time limits, and it can even tell games from regular programs and blacklist them automatically. Your password is an key element in this software without your Pin Code you didn't Uninstall this software either didn't do any other activity.

                 Anti-Porn parental controls captures screenshots at regular intervals or when   something objectionable happens. It also logs screen and website activity for quick reviewing.Anti-      Porn parental controls couldn't access Outlook to send feedback with Outlook open, yet when we closed Outlook and tried again, the software opened Outlook's installer.Anti-Porn parental controls blocks sites in multiple languages, too, so inappropriate sites can't slip past because they don't trigger keywords.Anti-Porn can work with all kinds of web browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Fir-Fox, Chrome, Opera, Netscape and so on. Anti-Porn can filter out porn/force/game/chat websites and softwares with a high anti-rate over 99%. Anti-Porn has Multinational-language filtering, Web sites white list, Web sites blacklist, keywords blacklist, Internet-usage time control.

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